And So it Begins…

Tomáš Baran Tomas Baran

We finished off 2013 with a successful crowdfunding campaign for the Goldee Controller, and we’re grinding away making sure everything is ready and all details are flawless for our product launch.

This is the first post of many that will be coming from our blog. We’re creating this blog so you can see what we are up to and what we’ve been working on. Our undivided attention is on the Controller, our app that is going to be upgraded to version 2.0 and the focus on the Lighting Library is not far behind either.

While we’re still a relatively small team, the Goldee family is growing. Be sure to stay posted for updates on our website for future job postings.

24/7 Commitment

We’re working day and night with the finalization for the Goldee Controller, and the momentum is picking up. Currently, we’re finalizing the prototyping phase. We are running a battery of tests to ensure all the components are functioning together in harmony. We have received lots of interest from manufacturers to produce our Controller, and we’ve begun the negotiation process with several of them.

Goldee Controller

Goldee App 2.0

New updates will be coming soon to the Goldee app. We’ve been redesigning it to work with iOS 7. So far dynamic scenes require the app to be open in foreground due to Apple Guidelines. Thanks to your feedback we understood that this had to be changed. In this new version the app will be able to run in the background so you can get the full enjoyment of dynamic light scenes while you use other apps. We’re also improving Sunrise Alarm and we will add two new incredible lighting scenes to our Library. We hope you will enjoy them.

Even More Dynamic Light

Our Lighting Library is anticipated a lot. We can’t wait to launch it either. To give you the best possible experience we reached out to some incredible lighting artists and experts. There is still quite a bit of work ahead of us though, so please bear with us. The result will be worth the wait. Enjoy the app update in the meantime.

CES 2014

We attended the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January. After our crowdfunding campaign ended many people asked us if we would be exhibiting at CES. However, due to the lack of time and our focus on our campaign we were unable to exhibit this year. Instead we decided to attend CES and take meetings, which turned out to be fruitful.

We really enjoyed Qualcomm’s Smart Home booth. They showcased many connected home devices in real life use cases, which we believe will be the wave of the future. One of them was the LIFX smart bulb, which we also use. The Canary smart home security booth also had very nice design and very friendly people.

Thanks for reading with us. Stay tuned for our next blog post!

Tomas Baran
Tomas Baran CEO & Founder of Goldee. “Our intention is to forever change how we interact with light, and how light interacts with us.”