Join the revolution in home lighting.

Discover the future of dynamic lighting. Help us change people’s light experience and to redefine how we interact with light.

Joy'n us.

Work Opportunities

  • THE Master marketeer also known as CMO

    We aren’t looking for a CMO guy with bookworm’s know-how and slick uniformity. We’re looking for a creative and entrepreneurial thinker that looks for and understands the deeper meaning of what he does. We’re looking for the CMO who's capable of taking on the challenge to lead the entire marketing planning and execution. Strategist, campaign killer and brand builder confident enough to build a brand from scratch.

    Our marketing team is dying to finally meet & work with the true genius!

    Apply now

    Skills needed

    • Natural leader with a positive attitude
    • Analytic, strategic and critical thinking
    • Creative spirit that knows no bounds
    • Outstanding verbal and written communicational skills in English
  • Back-end python devotee

    We’re cooking something very special. Our back-end crew need some additional manpower. But don’t let this fool you. You aren’t going to write two lines of code per day. There’s a lot of work. You’ll develop RESTful Web services that will shelter all the required server-to-product communication.

    Our upcoming Lighting Library is an excellent example of your first assignment. Ready to take on the challenge?

    Apply now

    Skills needed

    • Experience with SQL
    • Python’s know-how
    • Overall experience in back-end programming
    • Super fast response to new problems and issues
  • Prêt-à-supportér

    We’re looking straightforward gusher who knows that sometimes the best customer service is simply getting out of customer’s way. Troubleshooter, who can manage a ticket in such a way that it almost feels like the customer alone solved it with a smile on their face.

    And if you are absolutely sure that there won’t be any dry eye while reading your masterpiece, you should join us.

    Apply now

    Skills needed

    • Superb written communicational skills in English
    • Mailing speed at least 20 mps / mails per second (just kidding!)
    • Clean, fresh & lively stylistics
    • Responsibility with a little bit of funkiness inside you

These aren’t the jobs I’m looking for.

If you're sure that you can contribute to Goldee, just drop us a line. We're always looking for
passionate and talented people to join our team.

Drop us a line

Tomas Baran
Tomas Baran CEO at Goldee Amazing people can do anything. Amazing people can recreate the light.